Thursday, April 24, 2008

Going Back to Wednesday

Our one day last Wednesday has turned into a really off week for Nathan. I am spending most of my time trying to figure out why he goes from doing really well to suddenly not being able to funtion at school. I question what he eats, is the medication working or hurting him, I am doing something to make him act this way, is his diagnosis correct or is it something else completely, if so how do we fix it. The list goes on and on. My prayer is that we find out what it is and figure out a way to make it better. He is not able to tell me why he does the things he does. I want to believe that he is not able but it makes it really hard to help him get better when we don't even know why it is happening.

We started OT this week and hopefully this will help. I would love to talk with any parents that are having similar issues. His current diagnosis is ADHD, SID and PDD-NOS. One week he is great and life is wonderful the next day he is totally out of control either at home or at school. I just want him to be happy and be able to function in a why that he can reach his full potiential.


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