Thursday, August 27, 2009

First Day of Kindergarten

Shay started Kindergarten today. Her school starts 30 min. before Nathans but is 20 min. from our house. We got up early and had a very calm morning. Hopefully I can continue getting things ready ahead of time. It makes the morning go so much better. The drive over to her school was not as bad as I thought. Since it was the first day I walked her in. She did great and was ready to start her day. Shay is in a Chinese Immersion program and Nathan is attending our very wonderful neighborhood school. I will miss having them around but look forward to a more structured schedule. The picture with both of them is the first day of school from 2007 - 2009. They have both grown so much. I have mixed emotions about that. I wish they could stay little but also enjoy watching them grow and explore all that life has for them. It's amazing but so fast.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

First Day of Second Grade

Today was our first day of school for Nathan. We all got early and had breakfast and were ready to go early. Not the norm for me but nice maybe we can make it a habit. Nathan was excited which for him means wild and not regulated. He kept telling me he was getting all the inappropriate behavior out before he went to school. It seemed to work since in his words he had a good day. Shay starts kindgergarten on a staggered entry this Thursday and next Tuesday will start full time. I'm thankful we can work into our new schedule slowly. We all do better with structure so school is a good thing for our house. I look forward to an exciting year.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

First Time on Skates

We tried roller skating for the first time. Both kids did pretty good. No one was moving very quickly but they both stayed up by themselves on the wood and carpet. Thankfully they let the parents walk with street shoes out on the rink. If not we all would have been in trouble. Nathan really didn't want to go but with a small bribe (game room time before leaving) he adjusted his attitude and tried. He did a great job and made it on the carpet and the wood. Shay loved it and laughed at herself and everyone around her. She didn't move very quickly and if you call scooting skating then she succeeded. In her mind she was skating and very proud of herself.

Monday, August 10, 2009

More Summer Fun

Only 14 Days until school starts. Summer is quickly coming to an end. We will miss the swimming and warm summer days. My kids love the water!!! Can you tell.

Saturday, August 08, 2009

Summer 2009 Updates

Sorry for not getting our summer pictures up sooner. As always time just seems to get away. The kids start school in two weeks so summer is almost over. One of the highlights of our summer was spending a weekend in the mountains of NC with my Mom. The cabin was beautiful and had wonderful views. We had fun going to a gem mine, playing mini golf, looking around the area and spending the day at Grandfather Mountain. The flowers were blooming and the high was in the low 70's each day. Everyone had a great time.