Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter


The kids and I had a fun Easter 2009. Yesterday we dyed eggs. I think this is the third year Nathan wanted Star Wars and Shay enjoyed her Elmo and Friends. Nathan was not really into the egg stuff this year like in the past. Wii was calling and he quickly stuck a few stickers on and went back to playing Wii. We had a friend over and spent time outside and at the park. It was a really nice day. If my allergies were not so bad we would have been out all day. This is the second year that my eyes won't stop itching. I'm going to the doctor on Monday. Last year it took a prescription to get them to settle down.

This is the first year Nathan has really enjoyed reading the story of Christ from the Bible. We spent time on Friday talking about why we celebrate Easter and what Good Friday was all about. He seemed to understand and appreciate our time together. We watched some of the Ten Commandments and he enjoyed already knowing about the story and what was happening. This morning before we went down stairs to do all the bunny stuff we sat together and read about the RISEN LORD. We've always talked about it this time of year but Nathan really seemed to understand what sacrifice was made for us.

The Easter Bunny left a "Hunt for the Golden Egg Game" for the kids and they really had a great time finding the clues and all the little presents and eggs along the way. Nathan did a great job reading the clues by himself. The Easter Bunny left him a couple of little Lego treats and he has spent most of the day building and creating ships and cars. Shay found ponies, puzzles, stickers and a book. She still loves playing with the eggs and putting things in and out of them. The golden egg held a small treasure for the both of them. I got smart this year and made sure that they either had their name on the eggs or Shay's were all pink. Nathan said a number of times that he would have all the eggs if it wasn't for the color coding and labeling. Shay is not the best finder in the world. She just walked in to let me know she found another of her eggs in the refrigerator. (the Bunny went all over the inside and outside of the house.)

We missed having Nana here this year to help with the eggs and hunt. Both kids have mentioned a number of times that they "Miss their Nana." I think this is the first Easter we've been with out Nana or other family members. We miss having them around.

Church was awesome and I am so thankful for our Risen Lord! With out these last three days we would have no hope. My hope is that everyone knows what the empty tomb has given to us. Thank you JESUS.
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