Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Christmas Catch Up
We had a great time at Nana and Papa's house. The trip started off shaky when our flight was cancelled and they could not get us on another flight for 48 hours. So we decided to drive. On a good day me driving alone for 9 - 10 hours would be hard but I had stayed up way to late the night before cleaning and getting ready. My plan was to sleep on the plane. With God's grace we made it half way and spent the night at in TN. I thought after a good nights rest I should have an easier trip but I don't bounce back like I did in college after an all nighter. It takes MUCH longer now. Luckly I had friends to talk to on the phone (thanks Lisa, Mom and others). We made it before any of the flights they planned to put us on. The kids were great especially since I didn't really pack for an 18 - 20 hour car trip.
This first set of pictures is from our first couple of days before Uncle John came. We found a Bounce U. The kids love having Buddy our elf. Each day they had a great time finding him. This was the first time for Shay to meet Uncle Darren.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
This is the cover of our Christmas Card. Which I don't have yet so it will have to be a Happy New Year Card. We are very excited to be going to Oklahoma and see Papa, Nana, Uncle John and Uncle Darren. This will be Shay's first time to meet Uncle Darren.
Shay was Mary in her preschool play today. She did a great job and didn't forget her line and sang most of the songs. She loved watching herself on the DVD. Nathan had his class Christmas party and is excited about not having homework for the couple of weeks. I can't imagine what it will be like when we have real homework. Hopefully it will grow on him. He also had boyscouts tonight which is his favorite activity.
We get up really early tomorrow to start our travel adventures. Next stop Oklahoma.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Friday, December 05, 2008
Deck the Halls 08
Look Who Turned 5!

Shay turned 5 on Monday, Dec. 1st. We had a great day and had her party at Monk*y Jo*s. It has been 18 months since she became my daughter and I can't imagine her not being here. We talked about her story before bed and I'm sure she doesn't understand all that we talked about. But she does know she came from China and that Mama loves her. Today she tells me "Jesus Loves Her and made her special."
Special Things about Shay's 4th year!
First full year at her forever home.
Had surgery to fix her palate and everything went so good - No longer needs Speech Therapy
Still loves to talk - all the time
Loves to eat - all the time
Favorite food Ramen Noodles
Very self confident
Favorite Activity - School
Favorite toys - Dress up - She is always a princess
Princess Ariel for Halloween
Sleeps with her stuffed animals and blanket but doesn't have a special one.
Thankful for "Candlesticks" (Story for another day - won't let her forget about that)
She loves to sing and read books (her own version)
Another story - Told her teachers the first day of school this year that - "They had to many rules and that she was not coming back the next day because they hurt her heart."
Seems to have lost most of her Mandarin but can still count, say hello, good bye and thank you
I feel so blessed to have her as my daughter. There are so many times I just have to thank God for letting me be her mom. She makes life joyful most of the time. There are times she gets in trouble and I can see that prissy side which will make the teenage years really fun. She feels the need to be the center of attention to often but what little girl doesn't.
On her birthday I could not help but think of her birth mother. I am so thankful for the choices she made. It must have been so hard for her. I hope she knows that she is loved and enjoying the life she has.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Wordless Wednesday With Words
Look who lost their first tooth. Everyone is claiming some responsibility. I had noticed that his new teeth were coming in behind his baby teeth and I was afraid that the baby teeth might not ever get loose. Shay and Nathan were playing and he had taken her blanket and put it in his mouth. (Gross) She decide to yank it out of his mouth and loosened the tooth. He was not happy about that so I left it alone and the tooth stayed in for another week. Then we were reading and he really did not want to be reading which was beginning to build into an all out battle when he flung his arms and accidently hit himself in the mouth. Out came the tooth. He blamed me for making him mad but hey the tooth came out with out any fuss. I was such a whimp when I was little about teeth and was not looking forward to helping him since he is really bad with pain and boo boo's. But this was an answer to pray and now he wants to knock the rest of them out. Tomorrow he has to get a weakness fixed in one of his front teeth and is looking forward to going to the dentist. They have the coolest office with all kind of things for kids to do. Maybe I would like the dentist if I'd had that when I was younger. Right now I think the dentist ranks about last on my list of things I enjoy doing. The tooth fairy came and he got a couple of gold dollars. I can't believe he is growing up so fast.
First Cheerleading Competition
Shay had her first cheerleading competition this past weekend and it was so much fun. She is a member of a Tiny Cheerleading team made up of 3 - 5 year olds. They practice once a week for one hour and compete a couple of time during the year. They were all so cute and did a great job. For their first time everyone performed and seemed to have fun. They got treat bags and a medal. I could not help but cry she makes me very proud and really does a great job. It is hard having coached for so many years to see her out there knowing where to go and what to do. She loves dancing, singing and performing so I think we might be in this for awhile.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Friday, October 31, 2008
"Best Halloween"

Nathan's First School Project on Vampire Bats
We had a great Halloween tonight. Marcia and Madeline joined us for Trick-or-Treating and both Shay and Madeline had a great time. Thank you for calling and joining us. Shay was Aeriel. She picked her from all the princesses and she was so cute. She is so into all of this and so excited. I love seeing both of them so happy and enjoying the experience. Nathan kept telling me when we got home that this was his best Halloween. (Something he says any time he really is enjoying himself)He was great and did a good job picking out his costume. He first wanted to be Rex from Clone Wars and then add some Batman parts because he also loves Batman. At school he earned some vampire teeth so they were added to create - Vampire Rexman. He was the only one. We did see some awesome Batmans. He was very proud and would show his retractable wings to anyone who would watch. Some where in the rule book for kids they learn about counting their candy. This was the first thing Nathan did when he got home. I never mentioned that to him but I do remember doing it when I was little. Shay has not discovered that rule but enjoyed watching him count and got so excited about reaching 100 and more. Later they answered the door and would give out candy Nathan complimented everyone on their costumes or would ask them what they were and then compliment them and Shay would go over the rules about only taking three pieces of candy and then ask everyone their names. So cute! I will try and post some pictures soon.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Thankful Thursday

God Thank you for my kids. They bless me each day with their smiles, hugs and kisses. Everyday Shay says "Mama I miss you when you at work" or "I miss you mama" Just today Nathan said with his head on my shoulder "This is the best day" Now later that day the statement was retracted but I choose to remember the first time. My heart aches when I lose my patient and see their faces drop or joy leave. I pray God will guide me each day help me to Love them as You Do Father! They are so special.
Can't Be Quiet

I have really struggled with this election. From the start I didn't like most of the candidates so I did not get involved and that was a mistake. We live in the best country in the World and God allowed me to live in this country. I should never take that for granted. Now this has become the most important election in our history. Our country could change more than anyone could imagine and not for the good. We are blessed with Freedom and have the right to make choices about what be beleive and how we will express those beliefs. I let life wrap me up to the point of not noticing anything else going on around me. These freedoms could be gone.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Pictures - Where to Start???

- You are so smart and I am amazed everyday by your questions, remarks and ideas.
- You asked Jesus into your heart in June of this year. My prayer is that you will seek God first each and every day of your life. You will know His Love, Peace, Mercy and Grace all the days of your life.
- At the beginning of this year you were into Star Wars and Pirates. Star Wars has remained the entire year and with the start of Clone Wars I don't see it leaving any time soon. You also loved Perry the Platypus and did a project on Platypus in Kindergarten. You wanted to learn to play Chess and loved Legos. By the end of the year you add Batman and Bat's to things that you were interested in.
- Your favorite thing to do was to play your DS - Legos Star Wars, Indiana Jones and Batman. I think Santa will be bring you a different player this year.
- You started Kindergarten and loved school. This has continued into First Grade.
- So far in First Grade you have only missed one spelling word. (You didn't get that gift from me - spelling was not and is not one of my strong points.)
- We joined Boy Scouts and this has become your favorite activity.
- We are still struggling with ADHD and some other issues but together we seem to be finding ways to make it work.
- You became a great big brother to your sister. She loves you so much.
- Spiders and bugs are still you least favorite things in the world.
- Your favorite foods - Not many to pick from - Eating is just not important to you - Shrimp and Noodles at Nak*tos. Pop tarts, bacon, apples and waffles.
- Pooh, yellow, back-up along with Perry 1 and 2 are still great helps at night and make you feel safe.
- You made your first trip to the emergency room in an ambulance. Thank God is was not serious and later that day you were back to normal.
- Favorite place to visit is the beach. The smile on you face and the way to play non stop with out fear makes me wish that we lived much closer to the ocean.
- You saw the Space Shuttle blast off with Uncle John.
- You still love to be held and give good hugs.
You are growing up so fast and I wish you could just stay how you are right now. I love you more than you know. I am blessed to be you Mama.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Finally New Computer
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
School has started and Things are Good!

Sorry for not posting sooner. The time just gets away and my computer at home is not allowing me to post pictures any more. It is old and has a old owner that doesn't know how to fix it. I told Nathan that we needed to call the "Geek Squad". We have a new computer but I am not sure how to set up the internet "Old - Not Computer literate Owner" so I don't get around to blogging very much.
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
Late Happy 4th

Wednesday, June 18, 2008
First Family Day June 18th 2008

This has been such an amazing year. God has blessed my family with such a precious child. She finds so much excitement and joy each day. She is a drama queen but that makes life dramatic and fun most of the time. Every day I tell her she makes me smile.
I want to thank my parents for this past year. My mom stayed with us most of the year to help us all adjust to our new family. My job responsibilities changed which meant more traveling on the weekends but more time home during the week. To keep things consistent my mom (Nana) stayed with the kids when I was gone. This meant my Dad (Papa) was left in alone most of the time. They both allowed us to have the best possible start to a family of three.
Nathan has become a wonderful big brother most of the time. They can both give each other a run for the money when it comes to getting their ways. Neither is very good at backing down. Just what you would think a health brother sister relationship would be like.
ShayLa's Top Favorite Things That I Remember are:
1. Dress up - Being a Girly Girl
2. Loves Princesses - ALL OF THEM
3. Loves to eat - From day one she would eat whatever we gave her - Noodles still No. 1
4. Loves to sing -When she first came home she would sing in Mandarin all the time and slowly that changed to songs in English but the singing has never stopped. I love it! I know someday that may go away. I enjoy it and thank God she loves life and is Happy! Her brother on the other hand could do with a little less singing.
5. She prays every night and she lets God know everything that is going on in her life. We can't always understand what she is saying but I know God does and I can imagine Him just smiling and nodding so patiently.
6. She puts all her toys in purses and bags and carries them around.
7. She loves stuffed animals - This year her favorites were - Cat, Pet, Bear and Teddy
8. She loves to talk - All the time!
9. She knows no strangers - Always happy to say hi and ask questions
10. Loves to have her picture taken - She is a poser.
11. She loves to dance. She is usually singing or dancing now she has added skipping.
12. She loves her brother - Most of the time. She has learned to scream before he touches her just like any little sister would.
13. Did I mention she is dramatic - We never had much trouble communicating with her. You can always tell what she wants just from her expressions. Which are not always happy but it doesn't take much to get her back to smiling and having fun.
14. School - Loves going and seeing her friends
15. Cheerleading - Loves to watch and is excited about starting
16. Bath time - After bath being a Baby and letting mama rock her and sing "I love you" from Barney. Then she sings it back to me. So sweet.
17. Mandarin classes - She loved playing and singing songs. She still understands Mandarin but doesn't speak much any more.
18. Mama - She tells me that I am her best friend. Everything had to be the same for the longest time. I had a drink so she needed a drink. I was eating so she was eating. She would point out all the things that were the same.
19. Loves to say "Oh My Gosh" for just about everything new and exciting. It is so cute when she puts her hands up to her mouth.
20. I could go on and on - I don't want to forget any of these things. She is growing up so fast.
She also had some hard times. When I tell people that she is not always happy they can't believe it. She is really good at whinning. This is something we really had to work on and still do. No one is perfect don't we all know.
If anyone has questions about adopting an older child or one with a cleft lip and palate please let me know. She is wonderful and neither issue has been a problem. I love China and pray for her birth family each day. I am so thankful they chose to give her life. I am thankful that God chose me to be her Mama.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
One Year Ago June 17th

On June 17th we traveled from Beijing to Wuhan. Again we had a very easy flight. We had to wait three hours for our plane. The flight only took about an hour and a half. The airport in Wuhan was very small compared to Beijing but they were doing construction and I am sure they are done with that by now. Our guide in Wuhan was very good. She had a major in tourism and clearly loved Wuhan and China. She was very interested in all the pictures that my brother was taking. Our hotel in Wuhan was very nice and the room was the largest of all the hotels. We got in unpacked and then went exploring. We found a grocery store, McDonalds and many places to go shopping. It was a long night but I did get some sleep. I kept think about what it would be like to meet ShayLa. Would she be happy or sad. I kept thinking that they might not approve the adoption at the last minute. Crazy things but it was mixed with excitement and joy at the same time. Looking back it was silly to worry so much God had a plan and it was good.
Monday, June 16, 2008
One Year Ago June 14th - 16th

On June 14th we were traveling and due to the time change lost this day. It was worth the lost. We arrived late around 10:00 p.m. The airport was huge and very nice. We found Chandler our guide without much trouble and the drive from the airport to the hotel was exciting. Just so excited to be in China. Still feeling some disbelief. The city is huge and even at that time the streets were every crowded. Our hotel was very nice and the beds were not to hard. The strangest thing was having to leave the key in a slot on the wall so the lights and AC would work. By day two we realized that is one of us left our key in that the AC would stay on all day. SPOILED AMERICAN!!!.
June 15th we got up early met our group in the lobby and headed for Tian'an Men Square. I remember that the streets were very crowded and many people were on bikes. It was interesting to see all the different things they could do with a bike. Tian'an Men Square was much larger than I thought it would be. When I've seen it on TV filled with people you don't realize just how many people it can hold until you stand in the middle of it. My favorite part of the day was the Forbidden City. The history and beauty of the buildings were amazing. Our guide did a good job of educating us. Chandler was fun and I remember he was so excited about coming to the US later in the summer. I hope he had a great time. It was also very hot. We enjoyed Starbucks in the middle of Tian'an Men Square and later after we came home heard that they had shut it down. I got to see my first squatty potty. Luckily I didn't have to use one. They had western toilets also.
June 16th we toured the Great Wall. This was my favorite site of the entire trip. It is so big and hard to believe that it was built by people so long ago. We had a nice day and John made it all the way to the top. My knee was still bothering me so I only made it to the second tower. I remember thinking how strange it was to have people trying to sell things to us even up on the wall. They were persistent but nice. One of the older men kept following me around he would smile and come back again later. We did end up buying some of the coins. I know they are not real but Nathan loved them. Later in the day we went to the Cloisonne Factory and after that by the Olympic area. In the pictures you can see where they were still working on the building card the "Bird's Nest" and the other one is a picture of it finished. Everywhere you looked Beijing was getting ready for the Olympics. They had so much construction. I wondered how they were going to make the haze go away. We went to one of the Olympic stores and bought a number of gifts.
We had seven families that toured with us in Beijing. All of the children in our group were Special needs so the next day we split into smaller groups and head to the province where our children were waiting.
I want to thank my brother for the great pictures. He did a great job of capturing what we saw. Now we are sharing it with ShayLa. Every time she sees something in China she says "My China" I wish she understood more so we could ask her questions. I am not sure she really remembers. I know that did a great job caring for her. She is a joy and I am so blessed to have her in my life.