I have really struggled with this election. From the start I didn't like most of the candidates so I did not get involved and that was a mistake. We live in the best country in the World and God allowed me to live in this country. I should never take that for granted. Now this has become the most important election in our history. Our country could change more than anyone could imagine and not for the good. We are blessed with Freedom and have the right to make choices about what be beleive and how we will express those beliefs. I let life wrap me up to the point of not noticing anything else going on around me. These freedoms could be gone.
I have followed many blogs since adopting Shay. One of these blogs has given me back my drive and love for this Country. She has faithfully voiced information that many people are not willing to do. Thank you!
I support McCain. If you are undecided or are feeling like you may no longer trust Obama. Please go and read this blog she has all the information anyone needs to see how our country may be heading for the worst change any one could imagine.
For the most part I have always been a Republican. Why? Due to how I see God in my life. How HE has given me the freedom to choose HIM. I see HIM in how our Founding Fathers set up our government. Spreading the wealth and larger government control are not my idea of Freedom. I don't understand all I should but I do know that God is in control and I have and will be praying.
What a sweet post! You are blessed with such precious children! Have a great Thursday!!! : )
Thank you for your support and courage to speak out for those that can't.
The kids (as always) are adorable!
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