Shay turned 5 on Monday, Dec. 1st. We had a great day and had her party at Monk*y Jo*s. It has been 18 months since she became my daughter and I can't imagine her not being here. We talked about her story before bed and I'm sure she doesn't understand all that we talked about. But she does know she came from China and that Mama loves her. Today she tells me "Jesus Loves Her and made her special."
Special Things about Shay's 4th year!
First full year at her forever home.
Had surgery to fix her palate and everything went so good - No longer needs Speech Therapy
Still loves to talk - all the time
Loves to eat - all the time
Favorite food Ramen Noodles
Very self confident
Favorite Activity - School
Favorite toys - Dress up - She is always a princess
Princess Ariel for Halloween
Sleeps with her stuffed animals and blanket but doesn't have a special one.
Thankful for "Candlesticks" (Story for another day - won't let her forget about that)
She loves to sing and read books (her own version)
Another story - Told her teachers the first day of school this year that - "They had to many rules and that she was not coming back the next day because they hurt her heart."
Seems to have lost most of her Mandarin but can still count, say hello, good bye and thank you
I feel so blessed to have her as my daughter. There are so many times I just have to thank God for letting me be her mom. She makes life joyful most of the time. There are times she gets in trouble and I can see that prissy side which will make the teenage years really fun. She feels the need to be the center of attention to often but what little girl doesn't.
On her birthday I could not help but think of her birth mother. I am so thankful for the choices she made. It must have been so hard for her. I hope she knows that she is loved and enjoying the life she has.
1 comment:
Happy birthday Shay! What a blessed year you have had! I pray you next years are even more so for you and your very lucky family. ;)
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