Shay started Kindergarten today. Her school starts 30 min. before Nathans but is 20 min. from our house. We got up early and had a very calm morning. Hopefully I can continue getting things ready ahead of time. It makes the morning go so much better. The drive over to her school was not as bad as I thought. Since it was the first day I walked her in. She did great and was ready to start her day. Shay is in a Chinese Immersion program and Nathan is attending our very wonderful neighborhood school. I will miss having them around but look forward to a more structured schedule. The picture with both of them is the first day of school from 2007 - 2009. They have both grown so much. I have mixed emotions about that. I wish they could stay little but also enjoy watching them grow and explore all that life has for them. It's amazing but so fast.
What an exciting week for your family! The first day of school is always exciting, but its extra-special when its your first day of kindergarten! Your children look precious all ready for their first days!!
awww...I hope they have a wonderful first day of school!!! They are adorable!!
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