I seem to have a hard time getting to the computer lately. Well I get here but not enough time to sit down and write a post. The last couple of months have been crazy with my traveling every weekend or every other one. Both Nathan and Shay were very glad to hear my traveling days are coming to an end. Travel ending meant it was time for my mom to return home. Which is not any where near us. We all miss her, Shay asked tonight "Are we going to get Nana at the airport tonight." I wish but Papa needs her at home and she needs some down time. It will take a couple of weeks to get use to her not being here. I guess I'll have to figure out the laundry thing again.
I joined Twitter mainly to follow and pray for other people. Please be praying for Abby, Kai (A Bouquet of Blessings)and Veiyah. Their families stories are an amazing testimony to our Heavenly Father. They are all such an inspiration as they deal with illness and cancer. Our life is good we are BLESSED.
I also joined Face Book which can take up WAY to much time along with blogging. I have to limit myself to one hour a day after the kids get to sleep.
My exciting news is that I bought a camera today. One thing I've always wanted to learn about is photography. My dad always took the best pictures. I remember him having his camera with him all the time when I was younger. My brother is great with his camera and I was so thankful he went to China with me. We have great memories from that time. Hopefully I will find the time to learn and use it.
I am looking forward to Easter and Spring Break. Hope the weather is warm so we can spend time outside.
I am WAY WAY OVER the one hour limit. Hopefully more pictures and post will be coming in the weeks to come.
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