Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Big Fun Weekend


We had a fun filled weekend. Shay had her first two day cheerleading competition. Her division is the youngest and earliest of the event. This meant we had to get up "before the sun wakes up" as Shay would say. They had an OK day one and a great day two but in their world as long as there is a goody bag, medal and or trophy they don't care what place they finish.

Saturday we had a surprise party for Nathan. I thought he had figured out the party part but when he came in the door and heard everyone yell "surprise" his reaction was awesome. The boys played in the gym for a short time and then the second surprise started. He wanted a magician for his party this year so I found one online and hoped that he would do a good job. WOW the show was incredible. The kids and adults were all entertained. Nathan's favorite trick was the final one where Hocus the live rabbit appeared. I was amazed at most of his illusions.

We extended our weekend with a snow day - Yeah! Shay had never seen snow before and I woke her up last night so she could see it coming down. We had a great time throwing snow balls, attempting a snow man (ended up being a mini me snow man) and making snow angels. It will be gone by tomorrow but it was fun while it lasted.
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1 comment:

Susan said...

Oh so fun!!! Wish I could have been a fly on the wall when she first saw the snow!!! Happy Day!