We've been busy finishing up the school year and getting ready for summer. Shay has been finished with preschool for a couple of weeks. She is enjoying camp at the gym and starting Junior Preteam plus Lime Squad. Her summer will constist mostly of gymnastics camp and spending time with friends. She spent the night with one of her best buddies last night and kept repeating as she left in the car "ParrrrtY TIME" "Parrrrty TIME"
Today is the second to last day of first grade for Nathan. I am so proud of him. He has done a great job and is excited about officially becoming a second grader. His favorite activity(Boy Scouts)is over for the summer. We will be going to a couple of get togethers to keep in touch with everyone. My job for the summer is not to let him play video games non stop. Other than swimming that would be his idea of a great summer.
Both of the kids are starting to realize that we have a theme park here in town. I guess season tickets would be a good idea before long. Mom is not the best riding buddy any more due to motions sickness. I wish I could still ride like I did in my youth. I was hoping they would not realize this until Shay was tall enough to ride more but might not happen for awhile. We are all looking forward to Nana coming to visit.
I've not taken many pictures lately so I've found a couple that I love to hold over until some new ones can be taken. SUMMER 2009 IS HERE!