Last week Shay had a number of fun activities. First we had our spring awards for gymnastics. She has come a long way this year and is doing a great job. This coming spring she will move to the Junior Pre-team. Everyone at ISC is going to miss Andy when he leaves at the end of the month. He is a great teacher/coach/ handyman and wonderful person. We wish him the best in his future marriage and life in Georgia.
Thursday Shay's preschool had their graduation celebration. All the kids looked so nice and they did a great job on their songs. Thank you Mrs. Lisa and Mrs. Susan for all your love and help this year. Shay is ready to move on to Kindergarten. Her preschool did a great job getting them ready to succeed next year.
Last event was the kick-off party at CAC. All the cheerleaders get together for a pot luck dinner, skits and play time. Shay was a monkey last year and this year she was a sheep. The older kids make up cheers and short routines using an animal for their inspiration. Each team has kids of all ages and abilities. It was fun this year watching some of the coaches and remembering when they were out there as cheerleaders coming up in the program. Kind of makes me feel REALLY OLD but also so proud of them and the job they are doing. I can't wait to see all the routines come together this season. This will be our 19th year Go CAC!