Nathan is now in his third week of first grade. He loves going and this year started riding the bus. Our bus mainly just picks up the kids that live on our street so the ride is very short. He had a great first week and did ok the second week. His sensory issues and ADHD are being address and hopefully he can continue to have a fun time. (For Everyone!) His school is great and has done such a good job of helping him succeed. Nathan is also taking swimming, AWANA's and Boy Scouts. We are trying soccer but that may not work out. He has to take his medication early so it is working at the start of school by the time soccer comes around he is not able to stay in control. It is a three way losing situation - He just wants to talk and play with the kids but gets over stimulated and then causes the other kids and the coach not to be able to practice. In swimming he only has four children in his class so he gets to move more and is doing a great job. He really surprised me when we started AWANA's. The kids have to remember different scriptures and he learned his first verse in just three tries. He still knows it and can repeat it when ever I ask him. Boy Scouts will be starting this week and he is excited. There is never a dull moment with Nathan. He still loves Star Wars, Lego's and his DS player.

We got this beautiful tutu on Etsy - Gocksfrocks - ShayLa loves it! Shay started preschool three days a week and really would love to go five days. I have to tell her that school is closed so she stops asking when she can go. She is taking gymnastics, cheerleading, swimming and AWANA's. Since I am at the gym each day gymnastics is more like childcare but she loves going and is getting better very quickly. Her cheerleading team has their first exhibition coming up and that should be such fun. ShayLa also loves swimming and is doing a great job. She has no fear and should be going across the pool before long. It seems so hard to believe that she has only been her just over a year. I can't imaging what her life would have been like if she was still in China. I can't imagine what my life would have been without her in it. She loved watching the Olympics and every time would be sure we knew - that was her China!

This is our new addition C.J. - aka Chewie (Chewbacca) Jack (Sparrow) O'Brien. Nathan could not decide between the two so we went with the initials. I am not really a cat person but finally gave in and C.J. was officially adopted in late August. He was a rescue kitty. So far I have to say that cats are much easier than dogs. He is very loving and gets along great with Rudy. I think Rudy is glad to have him around. They keep each other company during the day while we are gone.
Sorry for not posting sooner. The time just gets away and my computer at home is not allowing me to post pictures any more. It is old and has a old owner that doesn't know how to fix it. I told Nathan that we needed to call the "Geek Squad". We have a new computer but I am not sure how to set up the internet "Old - Not Computer literate Owner" so I don't get around to blogging very much.