This has been such an amazing year. God has blessed my family with such a precious child. She finds so much excitement and joy each day. She is a drama queen but that makes life dramatic and fun most of the time. Every day I tell her she makes me smile.
I want to thank my parents for this past year. My mom stayed with us most of the year to help us all adjust to our new family. My job responsibilities changed which meant more traveling on the weekends but more time home during the week. To keep things consistent my mom (Nana) stayed with the kids when I was gone. This meant my Dad (Papa) was left in alone most of the time. They both allowed us to have the best possible start to a family of three.
Nathan has become a wonderful big brother most of the time. They can both give each other a run for the money when it comes to getting their ways. Neither is very good at backing down. Just what you would think a health brother sister relationship would be like.
ShayLa's Top Favorite Things That I Remember are:
1. Dress up - Being a Girly Girl
2. Loves Princesses - ALL OF THEM
3. Loves to eat - From day one she would eat whatever we gave her - Noodles still No. 1
4. Loves to sing -When she first came home she would sing in Mandarin all the time and slowly that changed to songs in English but the singing has never stopped. I love it! I know someday that may go away. I enjoy it and thank God she loves life and is Happy! Her brother on the other hand could do with a little less singing.
5. She prays every night and she lets God know everything that is going on in her life. We can't always understand what she is saying but I know God does and I can imagine Him just smiling and nodding so patiently.
6. She puts all her toys in purses and bags and carries them around.
7. She loves stuffed animals - This year her favorites were - Cat, Pet, Bear and Teddy
8. She loves to talk - All the time!
9. She knows no strangers - Always happy to say hi and ask questions
10. Loves to have her picture taken - She is a poser.
11. She loves to dance. She is usually singing or dancing now she has added skipping.
12. She loves her brother - Most of the time. She has learned to scream before he touches her just like any little sister would.
13. Did I mention she is dramatic - We never had much trouble communicating with her. You can always tell what she wants just from her expressions. Which are not always happy but it doesn't take much to get her back to smiling and having fun.
14. School - Loves going and seeing her friends
15. Cheerleading - Loves to watch and is excited about starting
16. Bath time - After bath being a Baby and letting mama rock her and sing "I love you" from Barney. Then she sings it back to me. So sweet.
17. Mandarin classes - She loved playing and singing songs. She still understands Mandarin but doesn't speak much any more.
18. Mama - She tells me that I am her best friend. Everything had to be the same for the longest time. I had a drink so she needed a drink. I was eating so she was eating. She would point out all the things that were the same.
19. Loves to say "Oh My Gosh" for just about everything new and exciting. It is so cute when she puts her hands up to her mouth.
20. I could go on and on - I don't want to forget any of these things. She is growing up so fast.
She also had some hard times. When I tell people that she is not always happy they can't believe it. She is really good at whinning. This is something we really had to work on and still do. No one is perfect don't we all know.
If anyone has questions about adopting an older child or one with a cleft lip and palate please let me know. She is wonderful and neither issue has been a problem. I love China and pray for her birth family each day. I am so thankful they chose to give her life. I am thankful that God chose me to be her Mama.