- Loves to dress up as a princess or a cheerleader.
- Watch Barney
- Eat noodles, chicken, french fries and chocolate milk
- Did I Mention STAR WARS
- Playing with his favorite toy
- Snuggling any time
Both of my kids are so different. Nathan came home at nine months of age. Most of the time our transition was easy. He seemed to bond well, slept great but as he grew his abilities to function in a group setting with other kids just never worked. At first I just hoped he would grow out of his behaviors but they never seemed to go away. This past November after seeing many different types of doctors and therapist he was diagnosed with ADHD, SID and PDD-NOS. He started taking medication and we got his IEP for school. I've spent the past couple of months research different types of ways to help him and trying to educate my self as best I can. From his IEP we learned and confirmed many things we already know. He is very smart, has many sensory issues and fine motor problems. His school has been awesome and I feel very blessed to final feel like we are getting the help he needs. From reading other posts and web sites we are very blessed to be at the school we are. They fully understand him and are making every attempt to help him reach his full potiental. I taught school when I was younger and he is the kid that makes teachers pull their hair out. Thankfully his teachers love him and are doing all they can to make things work. I would love to hear from other adoptive parents and parents with similar issues. How they are helping their children reach their potential and what to look forward to as he grows. I am very proud at how hard he has been working to be incontrol at school.
ShayLa has a cleft palate which we will get repaired on April 2nd at UNC-Chapel Hill, NC. I forget that she even has this issue. If anyone every thinks about adopting a child with this special need feel encouraged. She is doing great. Other than having a hard time understand her sometimes it doesn't seem to stop her. She is always singing, talking or trying to let us know what she wants. Her attachment and bonding have been a dream so far. She came in calling me Ma Ma and never looked back. Her language skills have come along so well. We are trying to keep her Manderine and attend class once a week. She loves preschool and is doing very well. Socially she is great and very well behaved. At home we can see her spicey side. She can give Nathan as much attitude as he can give her.
Together the kids are getting along very well. It has been hard with some of Nathan issues to give him the attention that he needs at times. We had a rough couple of months at the beginning but now after 8 months it seems that everyone has found their place and we have a pretty good routine in place. My mom has been the greatest help. She has stayed with us the majority of the past 8 months. I have to give a big thank you to her and my dad for letting her stay with us. They do not live close so it makes it hard on them.
That is a small look at our family. My family is so spread out that I really wanted to share with them how we are doing. I also have found so much knowledge and help by reading other blogs that I really wanted to join in the fun.